We tell stories with flowers

We tell stories
with flowers with gifts


Seasons Finest

Special Occasions

Handcrafted bouquets to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, or just because. Thoughtfully designed to make every moment unforgettable.

Lassana Craft

Private Events

We are on hand to speak with you to create the most beautiful flowers and plants for your event.

Shop by Popular Ocasions


A premier and family-owned luxury floral boutique


Furnish your beautiful bouquet with a gift from our handpicked edit.
Lassana Craft

Cherished Moments with Custom Messages

Celebrate your special events with a creative touch! We craft personalized photo collages featuring your memorable moments alongside heartfelt messages. Perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, or meaningful milestones, these designs combine small, vibrant images and custom-written wishes, making each creation truly unique and memorable. Let us help you turn your cherished memories into beautiful keepsakes ! 

Lassana Craft

Our Store

We are an online boutique based in Sri Lanka, dedicated to bringing our handcrafted flower bouquets to your doorstep.

Monday – Friday:
7am – 7pm

Saturday – Sunday:
8am – 7pm

Follow us

@lassana craft